Advanced Automation and Robotics Program

Ivy Tech – Fort Wayne campus, one of the 1,500 FANUC America partner schools, offers an Advanced Automation and Robotics program. Students enrolled in these classes learn how to operate and program FANUC robots, including LR-Mates, M-1iA Series, as well as M-10 Series robots. Many graduates go on to use these skills as interns and employees to fill the automation labor shortage at local companies like, Eli Lilly, Ingersoll Rand, Alcoa, Amatrol, Dupont and more.

Watch more to learn about how this program is meeting the local industry’s workforce needs by giving students hands-on experience with real-world FANUC robots as well as setting students on a path to a rewarding advanced automation career.

Speak with a FANUC Education Expert today

Lou Toth Assistant Professor at Ivy Tech instructs students on FANUC robot

“There are a lot of two-year degree students who graduate in advanced manufacturing working, making more than some engineers to start,”

Lou Toth

Assistant Profesor, Ivy Tech