The Employer's Perspective

APT Manufacturing Solutions, a FANUC-certified robotics integrator, was experiencing increased demand for their advanced automation services, but struggled to find qualified candidates to fill their open positions. APT partnered with the local high school to start a homegrown high school training program, which has been successful in introducing students to advanced automation products as well as future careers in manufacturing.

Hear more about the apprenticeship program and from two of the participants who are not only helping grow the company, but also deploying advanced automation systems for the industry.

Speak with a FANUC Education Expert today

Caleb Begley APT Manufacturing

I really like to be able to attach my name to some of these cool projects we're doing because it's nice to walk into a place and see something that we've done and be like, "Oh yeah, we I build those on a daily basis"

Caleb Begley

Apprentice, APT Manufacturing