Paint Electrical Maintenance with R-30iB Controller
Course Code: R30iBEP550
Course Overview: This course covers electrical maintenance of the FANUC robot and controller. FANUC schedules Electrical Maintenance courses on robot controllers based on specific robot models.
Course Objectives: Students successfully completing this course will be able to:
-Safely power up the robot from complete shutdown
-Manipulate the robot using the teach pendant
-Recognize and describe major robot components
-Recognize and Troubleshoot various fault conditions
-Backup and Restore Controller Core software and User defined files
-Master the robot
-Configure and Manipulate I/O for the robot
Recommended safety procedures are integrated into all training exercises. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, and a series of lab exercises designed to reinforce what the student has learned. In addition to lab exercises, a pretest and posttest are used to measure mastery of objectives.
Audience: This course is designed for maintenance personnel who are responsible for installing and maintaining the robot and controller.
Prerequisites: None
Recommended: Electrical/Electronic background, with knowledge of robots and robot controllers or machine tools and controllers.
Note: The Robot Operations course, or the Application Operation and Programming course are not prerequisites for this course, however, the operational aspects covered in this electrical and electronic maintenance course are minimal. Thus, a review of the functions that the student will be required to perform when back in the work place, in light of the tasks and procedures included in the Operations course, is recommended, to see if a particular student should also take the Operations course. For example, if the student will be required to set up and program, we recommend the Application Operation and Programming course.
We reserve the right to cancel or modify classes at any time.