Interested in solutions for agriculture and construction?

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Automation Solutions for Agriculture & Construction

Diverse Solutions for an Industry with Diverse Needs.

Agriculture and construction are challenged with a diverse range of manufacturing processes, from precision machining of engine and drive train components to the machining and fabrication of very large parts for off-road equipment.  FANUC products have technologies and features that streamline the process of working with large workpieces as well as single-part production runs.

We'll help you find the right FANUC products to help fit your agriculture and construction needs.
Contact a FANUC sales representative today.

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Related Case Studies

Nature Fresh Farms Revolutionizes Tomato Harvesting with Robots & AI

Nature Fresh Farms, one of North America’s leading greenhouse farms, recently implemented an automated solution to harvest tomatoes.  Now, with the help of robotics and AI, they can meet increasing customer orders and overcome labor challenges.

Robotic Solutions for Agricultural Machinery & Equipment

FANUC America and our authorized system integrators offer agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturers and suppliers a wide range of solutions that incorporate FANUC robots and automation. We combine the world’s most reliable robots with industry expertise and lifetime customer support to help manufacturers maximize productivity, reduce costs, improve quality, and increase their competitive position in the global market.